GTR Injectors - Installing

From R31 Skyline Club Wiki

Remove your injectors, I'm sure you can figure it out.

First up, here is a GTR injector, looks a lot like an RB20 silvertop injector too.

File:GTR Injector 1.jpg

To make these fit, you have to get creative, as you cant use the GTR or RB20 rail as the spacing is a lot different.

First remove the O-ring and the piece of rubber from the base of the tail. Then slip that O-ring back on and slide it down the shaft to the very bottom.

File:GTR Injector 2.jpg

Next up, carefully squeeze a hosetail made from EFI hose onto the injector, using the little seat from the RB30 injector you're replacing and plonk an EFI clamp on it

File:GTR Injector 3.jpg

Next grab your old injector and some circlip pliers. Remove the circlip from the underside of the injector and then pried out the thick o-ring. WARNING, these pricks are easy to break!

File:GTR Injector 4.jpg
File:GTR Injector 5.jpg

Then reassemble everything on the GTR injector and pop it onto the rail with the others.

Check that your hosetails are the right length and there we are.

File:GTR Injector 7.jpg
