Intercooler Mounting

From R31 Skyline Club Wiki

ev's mounting[edit]

Alright last night and this morning thought I'd mount my cooler as I got it for free and it's one less thing to do, thought I'd do a write up to help people out.

Note - This is assuming you do not have aircon

When installing this I had the radiator removed and nothing in the engine bay but this will not become a problem even if you have the radiator in.

I would also suggest jacking the car up and putting jack stands under it at the start of this procedure to make everything easier.

This is what you will need -

  • 600x300x76 cooler with normal end tanks (just jap item)
  • Flat sheet aluminium about 3 1/2 cm wide
  • Angle iron about 3 1/2 cm x 3 1/2 cm
  • Suitable metal drill bit - I used a 1/8th drill bit and a 9/32 bit
  • 4x m8x20 screws to go in bottom and top of cooler along with some random washers
  • 4x Metal Screws (self tapping) 10gx30mm
  • Power drill
  • Jigsaw (to cut front bar)
  • Phillips head screwdriver
  • 10mm/12mm socket / spanner
  • Hacksaw
  • Jack and jack stands

Step 1

I grabbed the piece of angle iron and measured it up along the top of the cooler and cut to size with the hacksaw, then marked a dot where each hole would have to be drilled in it for the bolts to go through into the top cooler mounts. I then just chucked some washers on to space it out a bit and put in the m8x20 screws that were mentioned before.


As you can see it's mounted here but just ignore that, look at the angle iron and the way it is mounted to the cooler tops.

Step 2

This is where you get to hack the original bonnet latch support coming from the bottom of the chassis.

note that if you have a s1/s2 just use a bit of that flat aluminium and drill holes either end and bend to shape, in which this will be stronger than the original support if you want to do this anyway.

So unscrew the original support and hacksaw down it leaving yourself with just the thin piece of metal with the holes either end, now doing this screw it back into the chassis and top the bonnet support latch and it will sit nice and snug behind the cooler.


It's a bit bent but it makes for a great more deal of support for the bonnet latch support.

Step 3

Now I played around for a bit finding the best position for the cooler to sit (end tanks wise) and finally got it in a nice position that would sit snug up above the reo so piping could be fed through and under the headlights.


You will now need line up the cooler and mark a spot where the hole needs to be drilled for the cooler to be mounted onto the bonnet support, and the original bolt that goes in here can be used.

Step 4

By this point you're probably bloody confused as to why it all feels so flimsy and the cooler is just hanging there, well this is where the bottom aluminium sheet comes into play, measure up 2 bits of that aluminium to 17cm and cut to size, then drill a hole each end with the larger drill bit 9/32 bit, and the other end with the 1/8th drill bit.

You will now be able to feed the screw through the hole with some washers and screw it into the BOTTOM cooler mount, now you will need to angle the pieces of aluminium in to the chassis rail and get your 1/8th drill bit, drill a hole into the bottom of the chassis as to your preference of how you would like the cooler angled.



As you can see I've just drilled holes either end at the appropriate points, then used the self tapping screws into the chassis and the screws into the bottom cooler mounts, to secure the bottom of the cooler.


Both pieces of aluminium are angled in and fit nice and snug on the chassis rail, the height mounted on the bonnet support ended up being perfect for the bottom mounts to line up.

Step 5

At this point the cooler will feel firm and it will take a bit of playing around to get it mounted straight and perfect, the only problem your going to have now is the bumper vents at the bottom that angle in, they may just be rubbing against the cooler, depending on the angle you mounted the bottom brackets.

just grab the jigsaw and trim them back if need be.

I myself cut out the whole centre bit with the jigsaw to give max airflow, and also attacked the reo but it's not necessary to do so for it to fit.

The front of your car should look something like this, but with the reo going across where I cut it out, as you can see it doesn't even come close to hitting the reo.


This is with the front bar on and cut out.


Because my piping will be going down under the headlights I chose to have the end tanks at the top, but if you flipped this and had the end tanks at the bottom it would also be much easier to plumb up.

This basically concludes how to mount a 600x300x76 cooler and retain reo, I believe you could do this with aircon but you would be hard up against the reo.

drifda's mounting[edit]

OK, so I'm doing an RB30E+T conversion and I thought I'd start with the intercooler first.

The job took me pretty much a whole Saturday.

Tools & Materials:

MIG welder, drop saw, drill, 25 x 25mm square tube steel, 50mm x 3mm flat plate

Start by placing the car on 4 stands nice and level. As you can see I ran out of stands so I did the dodgy thing and used 2 rims..

Remove the grill, filler panel (piece between the bumper and grill), front bar cover leaving the reo in place and head lights if you have aircon because you will need to move the A/C filter to the right and bend the alloy pipe a little as you can see in the pic.


Prop up the intercooler with something, bessor block and a piece of wood?? Hey, it worked well for me...

Take your piece of square steel tube and cut it to about 820mm long, which was approximately 12mm less than the distance between the reo brackets.

Also cut the ends just a little angled to suit the bumper bar brackets as they get wider closer to the bar... if that makes sense.


Then cut 2 small plates from the 50mm flat bar about 40mm wide and bolt them to the top of the cooler

Now cut 2 more plates 100mm long for the end plates of the top bracket


There are a couple of extra holes in the bumper bar brackets that are threaded which will be great for mounting the cooler bracket to


Centralise the tube on top of the cooler and tack-weld the top mounting plates in place followed by the side plates. It should look like this:


Mark and drill holes in the end plates for mounting. Handy tip! Screw a bolt in from the other side so that the end of it pokes through the hole and leaves a mark on the plate then just drill the hole and it will be in the perfect place...

I kind of ran out of materials for the bottom mountings so I just used some 5mm rod, welded some small plates to the end of them and screwed them to the bottom support panel with some large hex headed self tapping screws.


Then you need to cut the back of the bar so it doesn't foul on the cooler, I chose to cut off the whole bottom lip because mine was already half snapped off. This is how it looks finished.
