Modded S3 Front Bumper

From R31 Skyline Club Wiki

First you need to get hold of your series 3 front bar


I used a little saw for this job, a dremel would be just as good, but what you plainly need to do is cut the bulk of the centre out to make final cuts straighter/easier and smoother.


Now that you have made your bumper more accessable, you can get some masking tape (don't use electrical tape it doesnt stick silly me). With the masking tape you will achieve a straight and flat edge. Use this to mask a neat line on the top inside of the bumper, which you can cut as the picture shows.


When using the dremel, lightly cut your lines first because its pretty hard to fix if you make a mistake. Once you have a groove to follow, you can go deeper untill you have cut it off. Now you have a nice cut on the top inside of bumper. In the corner where your number plate kinda bars are, you should just make sure that they are nice and even thickness wise, bacause this will be visible from the front.


Now that the top is done, we'll move down to the bottom once again. Grab your masking tape and decide how far forward you want to cut. Use your masking tape to go along and get it as straight as possible. After taping, get your dremel and slowly go along the lines making a groove. Remember... do not cut the whole way through the first time..after you have your groove you can than go deeper if you are happy with it.

Once it is cut off, you can go around it with some rough sand paper to remove the plastic burrs and make it nice and smooth. Last but not least, your reo will have to be cut. To cut it, I used a grinder and cut the reo so you would not see it from the front.(remember mark it out first)

now your s3 bumper is ready for an intercooler or some mesh or even integrate a custom c.a.i




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