Odometer repair

From R31 Skyline Club Wiki


Most R31s have bad odometers with a really weak gear in them, that is usually the point of fail. Why get a new cluster that hasn't "yet" failed when you can fix it for half the price?

Before you go and buy parts which you think will fix your odometer I recommend opening your cluster first to make sure that it is actually this specific gear that has failed.

In the 3 clusters I have opened though it has always been the same part that has failed, so I believe it is safe to say it is the main culprit.

This part is a 25 tooth "Sun Gear" and is only 10mm in diameter, which costs around $20-$30 from instrument repair stores. They are commonly available on eBay for around $10, just search for "R31 sun gear."


  • Two flat head screwdrivers, I used one big, one small.
  • A small phillips head
  • A 7mm spanner
  • A new sun gear. (derp)


Assuming you have had the skill to get the cluster out of the dashboard, you will now have it on your bench ready to disassemble. If you have struggled up to this point, don't make any plans for the rest of the day.

First up: This is what the target looks like, the new ones are green.


Have your tools and cluster ready, (yeah buddy, 185 genuine thousand km. Haven't driven the car in the 3 days since the odometer stopped!)


Using your two screw drivers, use one to split the clear front cover from the back, the other to push the clips down to release it...


Use something tall enough to prop the cluster up as to not damage the trip reset button, Fuic Stubby FTW!


Undo the 6x 7mm nuts and the 7x screws


should now be ready to lift the base away, leaving the guts on the desk.


Slide the 3 tabs out


Voila, guts on desk!

Now the fun bit. You need to pry the speedo from the board. It is attached via 4 pin connectors on either side.


Use the smaller screwdriver FUCKING CAREFULLY and lift it off.


Undo the two small screws either side of this little electric motor


You want to get this little bastard out.


Notice his teeth are buggered. This is mostly cause you have reset your trip meter whilst driving. HAVE THE CAR STATIONARY WHEN RESETTING THE TRIP METER IN FUTURE M8. Pop the new one on


Occasionally, rarely, you may find that this one here has eaten some teeth too, if so, bugger eh! Most of the Ebay sites sell em too.


Pop it back into the motor carefully


And then pretty well do the reverse procedure of the dis-assembly and put it back in the car. Also use this opportunity to replace the globes regardless of whether they are blown. (Philips are better than Narva, trust me, I sell them for a living.)




See also[edit]

Dashboard - Removal