Removing Coupe Door Glass and Regulator

From R31 Skyline Club Wiki


This guide describes how to remove the power window glass, frame and motor from the door of a coupe. It assumes that you have already removed the door trim.

Tools Needed[edit]

  • 10mm socket
  • 14mm socket
  • long skinny bar/screwdriver for leavering
  • swear jar


The pictures in this guide show a spare door (removed from car). The procedure is the same if the door is on the car, with the door trim removed.


File:Coupe door 1.JPG

File:Coupe door 2.JPG

The door, as you see it above, weighs 25kgs.

Without glass and rail - roughly 11kgs.

Glass alone is 10kgs.

The window frame that we want to remove looks like this:

File:Coupe door 3.JPG

File:Coupe door 4.JPG

File:Coupe door 5.JPG

Undo the nuts/bolts indicated in the picture above. The 14mm nuts attach the regulator to the door, and the 10mm nuts attach the glass to the regulator.

The rail won't come out until the glass is out, and the glass won't come out unless the rail is unbolted first.

Be careful not to drop anything into the bottom of the door.

It may also help to wind the adjustment bolts (the ones the 14mm nuts were on) in as far as they go to get more clearance.

With those nuts undone, the glass should slide out. It may take some wriggling, just be careful of the top trim.

Undo the clip for elec window motor, and the rail should then slide out. Once again, it might take some lovin'... have that swear jar handy.

File:Coupe door 7.JPG

That's about all there is to it. The hardest part is wriggling the glass and frame out the top of the door, be careful!

Contributors: Sh*tbox