Steering Column Bush Replacement

From R31 Skyline Club Wiki

I thought I would write up a quick guide as I was replacing the bush in my steering column, not too big of a job but can be a real prick if it's done while everything is in the car. I attempted it while it was in and could only get a spanner onto one of the nuts which was in the end too tight to be undoing in that position anyway. After reading around I found that removing the column out of the car was going to be the easier alternative. Its a pretty simple job to do but I thought a guide might help a few people out.

Tools needed:

  • 2 12mm spanners (preferably long ones for extra leverage)
  • 12mm socket, extension bar and ratchet
  • Phillips head screw driver

Start by removing the two 12mm bolts on the rack end of the column, one is on the uni joint that bolts onto the rack, one is further up the column but before the bush, pictured below. With the bolts removed hold the lower part of the column and jiggle it upwards until it slides up and off the steering rack. Depending on the condition of everything down there it may take a bit of effort but persevere and it will come off.


Inside the car remove the top and bottom plastic surrounds around the steering wheel and remove the square plastic piece of the dash that goes underneath the column. Remove the wiring plugs to the ignition and wiper/indicator stalks.



Remove the two bolts that hold the column up closest to the steering wheel. One is already removed in the photo.


Remove the three nuts that hold the rubber cover over the bottom of the column then remove the 4 nuts that hold the bracket on the bottom of the column to the inside of the firewall.



At this stage you should be able to remove the column out of the car.


Remove the 4 nuts that hold the rubber bush and remove the lower half of the column. Replace the bush with your shiny new alloy one or your groovy new polyurethane one.


Reverse the process and all should go back together without a hitch.

Any questions, comments or additions welcome. I hope this can be of some help for anybody considering doing this.
